a discrete preview

the founders

Rules of the society

Enjoyment, Above All Else
Members Shall Behave in a Civilized Manner
Cheating is Impermissible, and May Lead to Expulsion
Discourse of 
Filthy Lucre is Considered Gauche.

Frequent queries

What is The Mystery Society?
Where may I visit The Mystery Society?
Will The Mystery Society be available on mobile?
Is payment required for admission?
What are the technical particularities?
Is The Mystery Society free-to-play?
What is the tournament and when?
I have other questions.


With each return, the mystery unfurls, More clues emerge, like hidden pearls.


To join this club, no fee you shall pay, for The Mystery Society is free-to-play


Before our launch, we'll not connive, there shall be no drop until the game is live


Our first mint will have no fee, But you will have to play to earn NFTs.


From countless hopefuls who've aspired, our first 100 soon to be admired


The beta hat is more than just a piece of attire, It's a badge of honor that you'll forever admire.


No need for typing, just speak out clear, but the closer you are, the better you'll hear


The 1st 100 shall be noted, with this hat you'll be forever GOATed


When "Soon" is measured not in weeks, but days, for the 1st 100 a chance to play


In time ahead, a poison rose to own, its potency hidden, its thorns unknown.
a discrete preview
the founders
rules of the society
frequent queries